Vlaams volksvertegenwoordiger & Deelstaatsenator
Strong Regions build a better European Union
Without the involvement of regional and local government the EU cannot work effectively.
Once again, with a limited mention of local and regional authorities in her State of the Union speech, the European Commission President overlooked the pivotal role of regions in the European Union. With over seventy percent of policies and legislation having an impact on regions and being implemented by regions, their role should be more recognised. In every crisis, it is the local and regional authorities that are at the forefront in reacting and helping, and if we wish to build a real communication link with citizens then the regions and local government must be involved. It is time to have some real recognition and implementation of the principle of subsidiarity.
We are looking forward to the EU Regions Week, the largest open dialogue with regions and local government in the EU calendar and an event where we can outline the points made above but also have a real discussion on topics of fundamental importance to our regions.
This year, our group is focusing on the regional perspective in developing policies towards a new EU Blue Deal to combat drought and water shortages, which is a priority that affects more and more regions across the EU and the world.
As the terrible war in Ukraine continues, we need to continue our support to our friends in Ukraine and we need to thank the regions, cities and local authorities who are continuing to give daily practical support. It is also becoming very obvious that we need to enhance our cooperation in helping neighbourhood countries in their development. The role of CORLEAP and ARLEM is hugely important in this regard.
Finally, I would like to thank József Kóbor for showcasing the great work on the Green Deal in his city of Pécs. It is important to showcase success stories which may be replicated.